
A Season of Growth

December is for many of us the month that we give much consideration to how far we have come over the past year. For me that is especially so. In addition to the fact that the 12th month (according to the Gregorian calendar that is) signifies that the Earth has completed another cycle around the sun, for me December is also significant because it is the anniversary of my birth. These two factors conspire in inducing me to be a bit more reflective about life and my place in it. To add to all this, I turn 35 this December. Maybe it's mind over matter, but for some reason, I've felt extremely sensitive about this birthday. Questions such as whether I'm making the most of this life, whether I'v grown and in what ways I still can, loom large in my mind. Hopefully, I can answer these and continue on the (often winding) path of living a fulfilling and meaningful life. Hopefully, I can be gentle with myself as I figure it out and I wish the same for you. 

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